EntertainmentApple Vision Pro: Sports might be the game-changing app in a world...

Apple Vision Pro: Sports might be the game-changing app in a world where TVs are fastened to your faces.

Highliner Faith Dickey walks above a 3,000-foot Norwegian fjord in a film shot for viewing on the Apple Vision Pro.
Highliner Faith Dickey walks above a 3,000-foot Norwegian fjord in a film shot for viewing on the Apple Vision Pro.

In Short

  • The apple vision pro offers an immersive experience into virtual reality entertainment, transforming movie watching and live events.
  • Despite its initial high cost, the device provides a glimpse into the future of immersive entertainment.
  • The market potential ranges from movie enthusiasts to sports fans and nature adventure seekers, opening up exciting possibilities.
  • Virtual reality’s evolution from a sci-fi concept to a consumer reality is evident in devices like the apple vision pro, showcasing the rapid advancements in technology.
  • As the technology matures, it promises to revolutionize how we experience entertainment, blending the digital and physical worlds seamlessly.

TFD – Step into the future of entertainment with the Apple Vision Pro, exploring the immersive experience of virtual reality. From movie magic to live sports action and thrilling nature adventures, discover how this innovative technology is revolutionizing entertainment.

You can start thinking about what kind of content works with this gizmo technology once you get past the absurd appearance of the Apple Vision Pro and other virtual reality headsets, as well as the “WALL-E”-esque image of people walking around with such contraptions strapped to their faces. While that will undoubtedly vary depending on personal preferences, using the device offers an idea of what lies ahead and how best to utilize it.

Although the $3,500 price tag of the Vision Pro may be prohibitive for anyone but the most ardent early adopters, it is undoubtedly a user-friendly attempt to provide immersive watching to the general public, and its cost will soon decrease. The more pertinent questions aren’t so much whether you need one now (you don’t), but the extent to which it’s a taste of what’s to come (it is); and as a movie and TV critic, what would seem to benefit most from the medium. (Disclosure: Lowry’s spouse is employed by an Apple division.)

Movies are the Vision Pro’s killer app, according to Mike Andronico, who called watching movies with the headset “the most engrossing entertainment experience I’ve tried on one of these things… optimized to make you feel like you’re in your own personal theater” in an early review for CNN Underscored.

Others have cynically observed that pornography—a genre that Apple, as the Daily Beast pointed out, does not support—is the ideal fodder for Vision Pro. Let’s ignore it, but be aware that those producers will undoubtedly figure out how to take use of it if there is a unique demand for that.

Even with the incredible immersive experience that the Vision Pro can produce, viewing movies at home on a big, high-definition screen with upgraded sound is already a pretty nice experience.

The more interesting content therefore appears to fall into two main categories: sports and other live events, which can effectively make you feel like you’re right in the action from the comfort (apart from that “Alien”-like thing on your face) of the couch; and nature/adventure fare, with its ability to immerse the viewer in those experiences.

An image from
An image from “Prehistoric Planet,” an immersive series shot for viewing on the Apple Vision Pro.

The short nature/adventure films Apple has created specifically for the Vision Pro were a highlight of the device’s demonstration. They gave viewers the impression that rhinos—or dinosaurs—were inches away from them and gave them the dizzying vertigo of looking over highliner Faith Dickey’s shoulder as she tightrope-walked across a 3,000-foot-high fjord in Norway.

However, it seems like the market for that is much smaller than what Vision Pro can offer in terms of sporting events or concerts: Taking you to the basket with NBA stars, placing you in the first row, or directly behind the goalie with a 180-degree view, during a soccer match or an Alicia Keys performance, and panning the locker room as a team celebrates a championship.

When considering the return on investment alone, the exorbitant cost of Vision Pro suddenly becomes rather reasonable considering the cost of concert or sports tickets.

Another benefit of live music and sports is that they don’t require you to follow a plot; instead, they’re actually more about an experience, which is exactly what technology improves. While it may seem amazing to immerse oneself in the universe of “Avatar: The Way of Water,” simply understanding the basic plot requires more mental work than the visceral elements that make the most of the virtual reality experience.

As mentioned, it might not be as far off as we believe for such consumption to reach any kind of critical mass. However, it will probably take some time. After all, not very long ago, having video chats on a portable device or speaking to an invisible artificial voice called “Alexa” would have sounded a lot like science fiction.

What will we be eating if virtual reality turns out to be one of the next versions of our digital lives, besides popcorn? After looking at the world via those goggles for a little while, the phrases “Play the hits” and “Play ball” were the ones that most immediately came to mind, even though dinosaurs and daredevils have their place.


The Apple Vision Pro’s exploration of virtual reality signals a significant shift in entertainment paradigms. From movie theaters to sports stadiums and nature escapades, the immersive experience is redefining how we engage with content. As we embrace this technology, the possibilities for innovative entertainment experiences are limitless, promising a thrilling future at the intersection of technology and creativity.

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