EntertainmentIn honor of the 40th anniversary of the movie, Kevin Bacon returns...

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the movie, Kevin Bacon returns to the high school from “Footloose.”

Kevin Bacon KUTV
Kevin Bacon KUTV

In Short

  • Kevin bacon visited payson high school, fulfilling the #bacontopayson campaign.
  • Students’ dedication led to bacon’s appearance at the school’s senior prom.
  • Payson high school pledged support for bacon’s nonprofit, sixdegrees.org, as part of the “footloose40” campaign.

TFD – Dive into the excitement as Kevin Bacon visits Payson High School, rekindling the magic of the iconic movie “Footloose.” Learn about the #BacontoPayson campaign and how students celebrated the enduring legacy of this beloved film.

As promised, Kevin Bacon has visited the Utah high school where the famous 1984 movie “Footloose” was shot.

Months after the students at Payson High School started the #BacontoPayson social media campaign, Bacon made an appearance at the school on Saturday. Students attempted to get the actor’s attention by choreographing movies and recreating movie moments in an attempt to get him to attend the school’s senior prom.

At the conclusion of the current academic year, Payson High School will move.

“I thought this Bacon to Payson thing was insane when I first heard about it. However, you were all incredibly dedicated,” Bacon stated during his remarks on Saturday on the school’s football field, as reported by ABC7. “You persuaded me to do it.”

Bacon expressed his gratitude for the student’s dedication.

Kevin Bacon in 'Footloose.'
Kevin Bacon in ‘Footloose.’

In an attempt to bring Bacon back on campus, Payson High School promised to assemble 5,000 necessary resource packs in support of his Sixdegrees.org nonprofit, which assists marginalized and impoverished areas. As part of its “Footloose40” campaign, the organization hopes to pack and distribute up to 40,000 kits.

Bacon complimented the kids for “turning what could have been just a movie star coming back to get a pat on the back into something really positive” during his speech on Saturday.

Video of Bacon’s visit to Payson High School was uploaded to his Instagram Stories on Saturday. During his visit, Bacon was given an honorary graduation, posed for pictures with kids, and even stopped by his locker.

In the 1984 film “Footloose,” Kevin Bacon played a youngster who moves to a tiny town where dancing is prohibited and tries to change this law. The movie ends with a prom, which seems to be the place to go wild even after forty years.


Kevin Bacon’s visit to Payson High School not only honored the legacy of “Footloose” but also showcased the power of community and dedication. The #BacontoPayson campaign turned a movie tribute into a positive endeavor, highlighting the impact of shared passion.

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