Principles of Ethical Conduct

These Principles of Ethical Conduct are designed to guide journalists working with any news platform, including newspapers, websites, mobile devices, video, social media channels and live story events.


ISeeking and reporting the truth in a truthful way

  • We will be honest in the way we gather, report and present news – with relevancy, persistence, context, thoroughness, balance, and fairness in mind.
  • We will seek to gain understanding of the communities, individuals and issues we cover to provide an informed account of activities.
  • We will hold factual information in editorials and other opinion pieces to the same standards of accuracy as news stories.
  • We will treat information from unofficial sources, which may include social media, with skepticism and will seek to corroborate information.
  • When considering news content created outside of the Network, we will factor the credibility of the source and weigh the value and accuracy of information provided.

IIServing the public interest

  • We will uphold First Amendment principles to serve the democratic process.
  • We will be vigilant watchdogs of government and institutions that affect the public, fighting to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in public.
  • We will seek solutions as well as expose problems and wrongdoing in order to effect change for the good in the communities we serve.
  • We will provide public forums for diverse people and views.
  • We will reflect and encourage understanding of the diverse segments of our community.
  • We will provide editorial and community leadership.
  • We will seek to promote understanding of complex issues.
  • When sharing editorials and other opinion articles, we will encourage and promote views that foster understanding, insight and civil discourse. We seek to offer viewpoints that represent various views on a particular topic.
  • We will consider providing free access to some news coverage during public safety emergencies and as a public service when appropriate, such as elections.

IIIExercising fair play

  • We will treat people with respect and compassion.
  • We will correct errors promptly.
  • We will strive to include all sides relevant to a story. When news develops and we can’t include important perspectives immediately, we will share updates, including additional sources, when possible. We also will share attempts to reach sources who add value to the story.
  • We will explain to audiences our journalistic processes to promote transparency and engagement.
  • We will give particular attention to fairness in relations with people unaccustomed to dealing with the news media.
  • We will use confidential sources as the sole basis for published information only as a last resort and under specific procedures that best serve the public’s right to know.

IVMaintaining independence

  • We will remain free of outside interests, investments or business relationships that may compromise the credibility of our news reporting.
  • We will maintain an impartial, arm’s-length relationship with anyone seeking to influence the news.
  • We will not support political campaigns or causes through the display of bumper stickers, signs, pins, public/private donations, participation in demonstrations, petitions or in social media posts.
  • Individual viewpoints that might cause readers to question our impartiality in news coverage should remain private. This principle does not apply to those who are paid to write and share opinion.
  • We will avoid potential conflicts of interest and eliminate inappropriate influence on content.
  • We will be free of improper obligations to news sources, newsmakers and advertisers.
  • We will not blur the line between advertising and editorial content. We will provide appropriate disclosures, exercise transparency and avoid actual or implicit commercial endorsements by our journalists.
  • When sponsorships of news are appropriate, we will not allow them to determine, change or restrict content.

VActing with integrity

  • We will act honorably and ethically in dealing with news sources, the public and our colleagues.
  • We will obey the law.
  • We will observe standards of decency.
  • We will take responsibility for our decisions and consider the possible consequences of our actions.
  • We will be conscientious in observing these principles.
  • We will use technological tools with skill and thoughtfulness, avoiding approaches that skew facts, distort reality, or sensationalize events.
  • We will not plagiarize or fabricate information.
  • We will not alter photos, video or audio to misrepresent events or mislead audiences.

Ethical Guidelines and Policy for Gannett Journalists Regarding AI-Generated or Assisted Content

PURPOSE: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is increasingly becoming an invaluable tool in the field of publishing. However, the adoption of any AI-generated content requires thorough discussion with the editor to elucidate its purpose and production process. This policy is designed to establish ethical guidelines, encompassing written, visual, or audio AI-generated content, to ensure that journalistic reporting remains transparent, accurate, fair, and accountable. In instances where AI-generated or assisted content is deemed acceptable, the following guidelines apply.

TRANSPARENCY & DISCLOSURE: AI lacks transparency concerning its own sources. Until sourcing transparency improves, journalists are advised to treat AI-generated content similarly to “off the record” sources. While it can be used for ideas and leads, confirmation from an “on the record” source is necessary.

ACCURACY & VERIFICATION: Approved AI-assisted content must be disclosed to the audience along with its limitations. Journalists are obligated to verify AI-generated content for accuracy and factuality before incorporating it into reporting, ensuring that it is error-free.

EDITORIAL JUDGMENT: Journalists must uphold their professional judgment and decision-making capabilities when using AI-generated content, ensuring alignment with editorial standards and values.

FAIR USE: Journalists must adhere to legal and ethical considerations of fair use to avoid infringing on the intellectual property rights of others when utilizing AI-generated content.

AI VISUAL TOOLS (Dall-E & Others): AI-generated visual content is illustrative and does not accurately represent real situations. The potential use of such content requires a high bar and full disclosure to the viewer. Gannett refrains from using AI-generated photo-realistic images in news coverage. Approval from a managing editor or higher, the photo and video director, or the standards editor is mandatory for any use of visual AI.

PRIVACY & DATA PROTECTION: Journalists must ensure that AI-generated content usage complies with data protection laws and does not violate individuals’ privacy rights.

BIAS & DISCRIMINATION: Journalists must be mindful of potential biases in AI-generated content, ensuring it does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

SAFETY & SECURITY: Journalists must consider potential risks to public safety and security when using AI-generated content, avoiding contributions to disinformation or misinformation that may cause harm.

ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY: Journalists are accountable for errors or inaccuracies in AI-generated content. They must take corrective action if errors are identified and maintain responsibility to their audience.

INCLUSIVITY & DIVERSITY: Journalists must ensure inclusive and diverse use of AI-generated content, reflecting the diversity of their audience.

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Journalists should undergo adequate training and development to use AI-generated content effectively and ethically. Staying informed about the latest developments in AI technology and its ethical implications is imperative.

Principles of Ethical Conduct Conclusion

  • These ethical guidelines and policies aim to ensure that journalists use AI-generated content in a transparent, accurate, fair, and accountable manner.

Journalists must discuss the purpose and production of any AI-generated content with their editor before using it. They also need an executive sponsor and approval from the editor for a project to move forward.

These guidelines are provided to maintain the highest standards of journalism and to maintain the trust of our audience. takes the use of AI-generated content very seriously and has put in place several safeguards to protect our intellectual property and ensure AI is used responsibly and ethically. does not use AI-generated photo-realistic images in our news coverage. The guidelines may be revised periodically to reflect the evolving ethical implications of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology.