Tag: Elon Musk

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Award in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s name given to Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch is a ‘desecration’ of her memory, son says

In ShortJim ginsburg opposes awarding elon musk and rupert murdoch in honor of ruth bader ginsburg. The controversy raises questions about the alignment...

Musk’s Lawsuit: OpenAI’s Abandonment of Humanity’s AI Mission

Musk alleges in the complaint that OpenAI has given up on its goal of creating AI that will benefit all people.In ShortElon musk...

X Needs More Moderators, Says Linda Yaccarino

Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X, informed US lawmakers that she is expanding her staffing numbers for safety and confidence. It was not mentioned by...

Elon Musk’s $55 Billion Salary: Overturned by Delaware Judge

Delve into the controversy surrounding Elon Musk's staggering $55 billion compensation package as a Delaware judge overturns the decision.Is Elon Musk paid too much?This...


Ranger hurt in shooting at hotel in Yellowstone National Park; shooter killed

In ShortIncident Summary: Gunman killed, park ranger injured...

Trump Hitler Comment : Trump made a claim that Hitler “did a lot of good things.”

In ShortTrump's comment: Allegedly praised hitler during a...

What are the symptoms of Covid-19? A test is the only way to be sure.

The days when a fever was a dead giveaway...

