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Former YouTube CEO's

Former YouTube CEO’s Grandson Found Dead: Suspected Drug Overdose

In ShortMarco troper, grandson of former youtube ceo susan wojcicki, was found dead at uc berkeley. Suspected drug overdose raises alarm over substance...
Valley fever, California soil, climate change, public health, fungal illness

Impact of California Soil Changes on Valley Fever Epidemic

In ShortChanges in california's soil, influenced by climate change, could intensify the spread of valley fever. The fungal illness poses a significant risk...

Cybersecurity Crisis: Ransomware Paralyzes 100 Romanian Hospitals

TFD - Dive into the alarming cybersecurity crisis as ransomware brings 100 Romanian hospitals to a standstill, causing widespread disruption to healthcare services.Americans were...
Car Crash, Emergency Room Incident, Austin Medical Center, Steve Almasy

Tragic Car Crash at Austin Medical Center: One Dead, Several Injured

TFD - Discover the tragic events unfolding at Austin Medical Center following a devastating car crash. Stay informed on the latest updates and casualties.The...
surveillance program, congressional negotiations, Section 702

Congressional Negotiations: The Battle Over Surveillance Reforms

Twice in the past decade, legislation limiting the United States government’s domestic surveillance powers sailed through the US House of Representatives. Attached to bills...
elections in India, government censorship, Hindutva Watch, digital rights, freedom of speech

Government Censorship Intensifies Ahead of Indian Elections

India, the world’s largest democracy, prepares to kick off its election season in just a matter of weeks. But activists and experts worry that...

Enhanced Lattice Basis Reduction Technique Revolutionizes Cryptography and Mathematics

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine.Explore the groundbreaking improvements in lattice basis reduction, a key technique in cryptography and mathematics....

Tragic Helicopter Crash Claims Lives of Access Bank CEO and Family

Six persons were slain in a helicopter crash in the Mojave Desert near the California-Nevada border late Friday night, including the CEO of a...
sand motor, coastal erosion, beach nourishment, climate adaptation, shoreline protection

Sand Motors: A Revolutionary Solution for Coastal Erosion

This story originally appeared on Grist and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.Explore how sand motors are reshaping coastal protection strategies, inspired by...

NASA Techs Are Working Quickly to Repair Voyager 1

A mistake in the computer system has cast doubt on the destiny of humanity's most distant space probe.Voyager 1 is still alive out there,...