Home U.S. Four years after George Floyd was killed, his family is pleading with...

Four years after George Floyd was killed, his family is pleading with Congress to enact police reform.

In May 2020, Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin right outside this convenience store and sparked nationwide protest over police brutality.
In May 2020, Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin right outside this convenience store and sparked nationwide protest over police brutality.

In Short

  • On the fourth anniversary of george floyd’s death, his family calls for congress to pass the george floyd justice in policing act.
  • The act aims to reform police practices and hold law enforcement accountable.
  • The bill was reintroduced by democratic representative sheila jackson lee.
  • George floyd’s death in police custody sparked global protests against racial injustice and police violence.
  • Floyd’s family continues to advocate for legislative changes to prevent future tragedies and ensure justice for all.

TFD – On the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s death, his family has renewed their call for Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This legislation aims to reform police practices and hold law enforcement accountable for misconduct, reflecting the ongoing demand for justice and systemic change.

On the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s death, his family reiterated their demand that Congress enact legislation renaming American law enforcement in his honor.

George Floyd’s brother Philonise Floyd stated at a press conference on Thursday that “change is needed” in reference to the Democratic lawmakers’ most recent attempt to enact the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

In June 2020, the then-Democratically controlled House enacted the law. However, it was stuck in the Senate.

Days before Floyd’s murder’s fourth anniversary, on Thursday, Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee reintroduced the bill. It demands that law enforcement be held “accountable for misconduct in court,” as well as changes to police policy and training.

“We have the chance to make drastic changes to policing procedures in order to stop needless fatalities and make corrections. The George Floyd #JusticeInPolicingAct of 2024 must be passed by Congress, Representative Jackson Lee stated on Facebook.

Floyd Philonize concurred.

He claimed, “They (police) see you as a target just because you’re a person of color in their minds.” “In the end, if federal laws can be created to safeguard the bald eagle, then it is possible to create laws protecting people of color as well.”

Philonise Floyd, George Floyd’s brother, speaks at a press conference on May 24, 2024.

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, passed away while in the custody of the police. For about nine minutes, White police officer Derek Chauvin was shown on camera squatting on Floyd’s neck and back while Floyd begged for assistance and said he was having trouble breathing.

Chauvin was given a sentence of more than 22 years in jail after being found guilty of murder and manslaughter in a state trial the following year. He afterwards admitted to robbing Floyd of his civil rights in a federal court.

Due to their involvement in Floyd’s death, three other former Minneapolis police officers were also charged on a state and federal level and received jail sentences.

Representative Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minneapolis, urged her fellow members to “think of the lives that could have been spared if we had the courage to act” during her remarks at the news conference on Thursday.

“To maintain the promise of equal protection under the law, we need a clear national standard,” the speaker declared.

Global demonstrations against racial injustice and police violence were triggered by the murder of George Floyd. Floyd’s family, who were inclined to join the ranks of Black Americans moved to action after their loved ones were killed by police, still feels the pain of his loss four years later.

“As I saw the footage of his demise, I made a pledge to myself that I had to take action. And I’m still working on things,” Selwyn Jones, Floyd’s uncle, said.

Jones spoke with Gwen Carr, the mother of Black man Eric Garner, who was also killed by police in 2014, this spring on how they used their suffering to fuel intentional activism at Harvard University.

In memory of his nephew, Jones said he co-founded Hope929.org, a nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening those on the margins of society.

“I can use the atrocity that he was subjected to that day to change things,” he declared.

However, he remains pessimistic regarding the legislation’s future.

I’m annoyed since I don’t think it will ever be approved. We were told that the measure would pass, so even if it does, it has to be extremely watered down,” he stated.

Jones promised to carry on Floyd’s legacy with his family. He stated that this coming weekend in Charlotte, North Carolina, he will be attending a celebration held in Floyd’s honor.

Jones predicted that things will return to how they were. “Let’s all gather together, eat, drink, celebrate, and show each other love.”


The call for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act underscores the ongoing struggle for justice and systemic reform in law enforcement. As Floyd’s family continues to advocate for meaningful change, their efforts highlight the importance of accountability and protection for all citizens. This anniversary serves as a poignant reminder of the need for legislative action to prevent further tragedies and honor George Floyd’s legacy. Let us hope for a future where justice and equality prevail, bringing about the change Floyd’s family and many others seek.

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