U.S.US claims there was no injuries or damage from the missile strike...

US claims there was no injuries or damage from the missile strike in Erbil, Iraq.

US claims there was no injuries or damage from the missile strike in Erbil, Iraq.

US claims there was no injuries or damage from the missile strike in Erbil, Iraq.

Officials announced on Monday that a missile had struck in Erbil, northern Iraq, and that explosions had been heard close to an American military installation and consulate.

No U.S. people or facilities were targeted, according to National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson, and no injuries or damage have been recorded.

No U.S. people or facilities were targeted, according to National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson, and no injuries or damage have been recorded.

Ballistic missiles were fired at midnight local time in reaction to what the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps described as terrorist actions.

Watson said the U.S. tracked the missiles that struck in northern Iraq and northern Syria.

She pointed out that the Islamic State terrorist organization and terrorist assaults in Iran were the main topics of Iran’s statement.

With an emphasis on ISIS, she stated, “Iran is claiming this is in response to the terrorist attacks in Kerman, Iran, and Rask, Iran.” “Although we’ll keep an eye on things, it appears that this was a careless and haphazard series of strikes.”

“We reject Iran’s heedless missile attacks, which jeopardize the stability of Iraq. Spokesman for the State Department Matthew Miller stated in a statement, “We support the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government’s efforts to meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people.”

More than eighty individuals lost their lives in Kerman earlier this month when two bombs rocked a memorial service for Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian general who was killed by an American drone strike in 2020.

More than eighty individuals lost their lives in Kerman earlier this month when two bombs rocked a memorial service for Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian general who was killed by an American drone strike in 2020.

A second claim of responsibility for the bombings was made by a group linked with ISIS, claiming that two suicide bombers detonated explosive belts.

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