WorldNorth Korea allegedly fired many cruise missiles into the sea, according to...

North Korea allegedly fired many cruise missiles into the sea, according to South Korea.

South Korea’s military says North Korea fired several cruise missiles into waters off its western coast, adding to a provocative run of weapons demonstrations.


A provocative string of weapons tests by the North in the face of growing nuclear tensions with the United States, South Korea, and Japan is bolstered by its second known launch event of the year.

The U.S. and South Korean armies were examining the launches, according to a statement released on Wednesday by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul. It did not instantly establish the precise count of missiles fired or the details of their flight.

The U.S. and South Korean armies were examining the launches, according to a statement released on Wednesday by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul. It did not instantly establish the precise count of missiles fired or the details of their flight.

After the nation’s first solid-fuel intermediate-range ballistic missile was fired in a test flight on January 14, North Korea launched its second known launch event of the year. This action demonstrated the country’s efforts to expand its arsenal of weapons, which are aimed against US military bases in Guam and Japan.

As North Korean leader Kim Jong Un continues to speed up the development of his armaments and makes provocative threats of nuclear conflict with the United States and its Asian allies, tensions on the Korean Peninsula have grown in recent months. In response, the United States, South Korea, and Japan have increased the scope of their joint military drills, which Kim refers to as invasion drills, and have been honing their deterrence tactics centered on U.S. nuclear-capable assets.

North Korea has been testing a wide spectrum of weapons in recent years in an effort to develop a credible nuclear threat against the United States and its Asian allies, including cruise missiles.

North Korea has been testing a wide spectrum of weapons in recent years in an effort to develop a credible nuclear threat against the United States and its Asian allies, including cruise missiles.

The North has been testing what it calls long-range cruise missiles since 2021. These missiles are supposed to be able to hit targets over 900 miles distant, which means that almost all of Japan and the military sites of the United States are within range. The North has signaled its intention to arm itself with nuclear weapons by referring to those weapons as “strategic.”

Although North Korean cruise missile activities are not expressly prohibited by U.N. sanctions, experts warn that these weapons might be a major threat to Japan and South Korea because they are made to fly like tiny aircraft and follow terrain that would make it more difficult for radar to identify them.

It is feared that North Korea would escalate hostilities during an election year in the United States. According to experts, the North would like to strengthen its negotiating position when it gets ready for talks with the winner of the presidential election in November.

In addition, North Korea has a long history of applying greater pressure to rival South Korea in response to demands from Washington. Kim announced last week at Pyongyang’s rubber-stamp parliament that North Korea is giving up on its long-standing objective of peaceful unification with the South and ordered the rewriting of the North’s constitution to solidify its competitor, which is torn by conflict, as its most hostile foreign foe. He reiterated his warning to use nuclear weapons to destroy South Korea if provoked and accused the country of being led by “top-class stooges” for the United States.

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