WorldThe United States cautions visitors to the Bahamas following 18 killings in...

The United States cautions visitors to the Bahamas following 18 killings in the capital this year.

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau sent a security notice expressing fear that Americans could become victims of gang violence in the nation’s capital, which prompted the advisory level to be elevated.

Tourists at a beach in Nassau, Bahamas
Tourists at a beach in Nassau, Bahamas

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau sent a security notice expressing fear that Americans could become victims of gang violence in the nation’s capital, which prompted the advisory level to be elevated.

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau issued a security notice on Wednesday, expressing worry that Americans could become victims of gang violence in the nation’s capital. This alert prompted the escalation to Level 2.

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau issued a security notice on Wednesday, expressing worry that Americans could become victims of gang violence in the nation’s capital. This alert prompted the escalation to Level 2.

The embassy stated in its statement that “murders have occurred at all hours, including in broad daylight on the streets.” “Retaliatory gang violence has been the primary motive in 2024 murders.”

The State Department added that short-term vacation rentals have the added concern of often lacking the kind of private security present at hotels. It said Nassau’s gang crime is not fenced out of areas frequented by tourists.

Travelers from the United States were cautioned to exercise extra vigilance in Nassau, exercise caution when out at night in the Bahamas, “keep a low profile,” be aware of their surroundings, submit to criminals’ demands without resistance, and prepare and review security plans.

Additionally, the State Department issued a warning about the uneven regulation of many recreational boat rentals, tours, and excursions, which adds another level of risk.

Additionally, the State Department issued a warning about the uneven regulation of many recreational boat rentals, tours, and excursions, which adds another level of risk.

In light of recent shark attacks in the Bahamas, the government also advised Americans against swimming alone.

In light of recent shark attacks in the Bahamas, the government also advised Americans against swimming alone.

According to the Tribune, a daily news platform in The Bahamas, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis responded to the embassy’s alert on Thursday, stating that it is unlikely to have an impact on the amount of American visitors visiting his country.

Requests for response from the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism spokeswoman and the commissioner of police were not immediately answered.

Requests for response from the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism spokeswoman and the commissioner of police were not immediately answered.

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