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Indulge in the art of living with our Lifestyle category. Uncover the latest trends in fashion, wellness, travel, and more. From insightful features to practical tips, we curate content that elevates your lifestyle. Join us in exploring the vibrant tapestry of modern living with a touch of sophistication and flair.

Genetic Health

Empower Your Genetic Health: Understanding Heart Disease and Family History

Do cardiac conditions run in your family? It can be helpful to know a little bit about your family and yourself.In ShortGenetic factors...
Iris Apfel, Fashion icon

Remembering Iris Apfel: A Fashion Icon’s Lasting Legacy

Apfel once observed, "You have to be original, but not original to the point where you're nutsy," with reference to style and fashion.In Short...

Understanding Cannabis-Induced Psychosis: A Case Study of Rare but Severe Consequences

Explore the alarming case of Bryn Spejcher, whose first-time use of marijuana resulted in a psychotic episode leading to a violent act. Uncover the...