Terms of Use

Last Updated: January 4, 2024

Terms of use


These Terms of Use Are a Contract Between You and Us

Binding Contract.

This agreement, which is also known as the “Agreement,” creates a binding legal contract between you and THEFOXDAILY.COM WEBSITE. It is essential to remember that this Contract does not consider or grant rights to any third-party beneficiaries.


By accessing or using THEFOXDAILY.COM WEBSITE, you hereby declare that you have carefully read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including any notices, terms, and conditions mentioned or contained herein. This obligation is applicable to all situations, including those in which you have simply browsed, used, or accessed the services offered directly by THEFOXDAILY.COM or through an intermediary third party, or in which you have started the process of opening an account on THEFOXDAILY.COM (thereby expressing consent to this Contract at the time of account creation). You are not permitted to use THEFOXDAILY.COM if you do not agree to the terms stated in this agreement.

Supplemental Terms.

This Agreement serves as the overarching authority governing THEFOXDAILY.COM WEBSITE. Specific and/or supplementary terms and conditions may be applicable to distinct features, contests, sweepstakes, promotions, software, applications, services, or other activities. These supplementary terms operate in tandem with this Agreement and, in instances of conflict, supersede the terms contained herein. Non-acceptance of the relevant supplementary terms prohibits engagement with specific features or services.


The prerogative to effect changes to any segment of this Agreement resides with us, with such modifications made for diverse reasons, including updates to THEFOXDAILY.COM or alterations in legal statutes. Material changes to this Agreement shall become effective thirty (30) days following notification via THEFOXDAILY.COM or at the designated domain thefoxdaily.com. The onus is upon you to periodically review this Agreement for updates and amendments. By persisting in the utilization of THEFOXDAILY.COM, you implicitly agree to and accept any amendments introduced herein. Disagreement with any modification to this Agreement necessitates the cessation of your use of THEFOXDAILY.COM.


Certain functionalities of THEFOXDAILY.COM may necessitate the establishment of an account. It is incumbent upon you to provide information that is accurate, current, and comprehensive, encompassing contact particulars and payment details. Impersonation or misrepresentation of affiliation is strictly proscribed. We retain the authority to verify the veracity of the information supplied, including contact details pertaining to a parent or guardian.

Passwords and Security.

You commit to refraining from the dissemination of your account information. Safeguarding the confidentiality of your username and password falls within your purview. Prompt notification of any unauthorized use or security breach associated with your account is your responsibility.

Electronic Notice.

Your consent is hereby granted for the receipt of notices, including agreements, disclosures, and other communications, delivered electronically to the email address provided by you. This electronic mode of communication suffices to fulfill any legal requisites mandating written correspondence.

Termination or Suspension.

We retain the authority to terminate or suspend your access to THEFOXDAILY.COM and/or terminate this Agreement, contingent upon legal requirements or upon acquiring reasonable grounds to believe that your use of THEFOXDAILY.COM violates any provision of this Agreement or any supplementary terms. Termination is also conceivable in instances of engagement in or encouragement of infringement or any other illicit conduct related to your utilization of THEFOXDAILY.COM. Provisions governing the survival of certain terms are elucidated below.

License Grant and Restrictions

Intellectual Property Ownership.

The intellectual property vested in the content disseminated through THEFOXDAILY.COM, inclusive of, but not confined to, movies, television shows, entertainment or informational programming, trailers, bonus material, scripts, code, images, and artwork, unequivocally establishes proprietary rights. This encompasses copyright, patent, and trademark protections attributed either to us directly or our licensors, who may potentially derive third-party beneficiary status from this agreement. The gamut of associated intellectual property rights, comprising copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, patents, and others, is safeguarded under the aegis of the copyright, trademark, patent, and pertinent laws of the United States, in addition to international treaties.

Consumer License.

Should a product or service provided by THEFOXDAILY.COM necessitate the utilization of software, content, virtual items, or analogous materials under our ownership or license, a delimited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license is extended for your exclusive personal, non-commercial usage. This license retains its validity for the duration that the product or service is rendered accessible by us or an authorized third party, subject to the terms enshrined in this agreement. It is imperative to emphasize that no entitlement is conferred upon you to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, make available to the public, or transform any content, across any media format or channel, barring explicit permissions encapsulated within the confines of the specific product or service.

Restrictions on Your Use of THEFOXDAILY.COM’s Products.

As an inherent facet of your license, you are solemnly bound not to:

i. Get around or disable any digital rights management or content protection system.

ii. Copy the content, unless we specifically authorise it to be done so.

iii. Send the material, rebroadcast it, or perform it.

iv. Create derivative works based on the content, unless specifically allowed by relevant legal provisions.

v. Carry out the disassembly, decompilation, reverse engineering, movement, or any other action meant to make the underlying technology and/or material understandable to humans.

vi. Modify the content, including removing any proprietary, copyright, or identifying notices.

vii. Use the content in a way that suggests a connection to our brands, products, or services.

viii. Make use of the information for business or commercial objectives.

ix. Ignore, alter, subvert, interfere with, or get around any security features or protections built into the content.

x. Use automated systems or manual procedures to access, monitor, or duplicate any part of the content without obtaining our prior written authorization.

xi. Damage, disable, overload, or otherwise interfere with THEFOXDAILY.COM’s operation.

xii. Use THEFOXDAILY.COM in any way that is not compliant with the terms of this agreement or the law.

xiii. Encourage or allow others to violate the previously specified prohibitions.



Any attempt to carry out the prohibited acts outlined above is a violation of our rights and/or the rights of the owner of the intellectual property.

Export Controls.

It is expressly forbidden to access or use any content provided by THEFOXDAILY.COM in violation of US export control and economic sanctions laws. When you purchase software, content, or services through THEFOXDAILY.COM, you specifically guarantee and indicate that using these resources and getting access to them will comply with these terms and conditions.

Usage Rules

Alterations to THEFOXDAILY.COM Products.

THEFOXDAILY.COM Products are subject to continual evolution and may undergo changes over time. We retain the unequivocal right to effect such changes or, if deemed necessary, discontinue THEFOXDAILY.COM Products. In instances mandated by law, there may arise circumstances where we find it necessary to suspend, restrict, or terminate your access to THEFOXDAILY.COM Products.

Third-Party Services or Platforms.

THEFOXDAILY.COM Products may seamlessly integrate with, be integrated into, or be provided in association with third-party websites, services, applications, platforms, and/or content. These third-parties and the products they offer lie beyond our purview. It is imperative to meticulously peruse the terms of use agreements and privacy policies germane to such third-party products. In the event you access a THEFOXDAILY.COM Product using an Apple iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows-powered device, or Microsoft Xbox One, Apple Inc., Google, Inc., or Microsoft Corporation, respectively, shall be duly acknowledged as a third-party beneficiary to this contract. However, it is imperative to underscore that these third-party beneficiaries are not parties to this contract. You affirm that your access to THEFOXDAILY.COM Products using these devices is additionally subject to the usage terms meticulously delineated in the relevant third-party beneficiary’s terms of service. You further represent to THEFOXDAILY.COM that you have thoroughly comprehended and concurred with those terms.

Internet, Browser, and System Requirements.

The utilization of certain facets of THEFOXDAILY.COM Products may necessitate a high-speed Internet connection and/or adherence to minimum system and/or browser requirements. It is incumbent upon you to thoroughly review the minimum requirements essential for the use of the specific Product.

Mobile Networks.

Employing THEFOXDAILY.COM Products through a mobile network subjects you to the messaging, data, and other rates and fees imposed by your network or roaming provider. Downloading, installing, or using specific Products may be subject to prohibitions or restrictions imposed by your network provider, and not all Products may be compatible with your network provider or device.

Your utilization of THEFOXDAILY.COM Products may involve the opportunity to consent to receive communications from us via email, text, and/or mobile push notifications. Standard text and calling rates will be applicable. You concede that texts, calls, or prerecorded messages may be generated through automatic telephone dialing systems. You retain the option to opt out of promotional communications by adhering to the “Unsubscribe” directions for emails, through the settings of the THEFOXDAILY.COM Product, or, in the case of text messages, by responding STOP. It is acknowledged that your consent to receive promotional texts or calls is not obligatory for the use of THEFOXDAILY.COM Products.

Informational and Entertainment Purposes.

Recognize that THEFOXDAILY.COM Products are meticulously designed for your personal, noncommercial use and are intended solely for informational and entertainment purposes. The available content does not constitute legal, financial, professional, medical, or healthcare advice or diagnosis and should categorically not be utilized for such purposes.

Commercial, Marketing, or Branding Use Prohibited.

Except as expressly licensed, THEFOXDAILY.COM unequivocally disallows the use of THEFOXDAILY.COM Products, or any other intellectual property, for commercial or business-related purposes, including marketing or branding, or for advertising, selling, or promoting products or services (whether or not for profit), or soliciting others (including solicitations for contributions or donations).


You solemnly undertake not to knowingly or recklessly introduce a virus or any other harmful component or tamper with, impair, or damage any THEFOXDAILY.COM Product or connected network. Additionally, you agree not to interfere with any person or entity’s use or enjoyment of any THEFOXDAILY.COM Product. The use of any software or device that enables automated gameplay, expedited gameplay, or any other manipulation of gameplay or game client, and any form of cheating or modification of a THEFOXDAILY.COM Product or game experience to create an advantage for one user over another, is strictly prohibited.

Affiliate Advertising Programs.

THEFOXDAILY.COM actively participates in affiliate advertising programs meticulously designed to provide a means for websites, apps, or services to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to third-party retail sites. For additional information, kindly refer to our Privacy Policy.

Identity of Seller.

Transactions are orchestrated by THEFOXDAILY.COM or the duly authorized seller explicitly identified at the time of purchase. Should inquiries arise concerning your order, we cordially invite you to contact the designated seller at the provided address for meticulous assistance. It is imperative to note that specific digital storefronts on THEFOXDAILY.COM Products may be orchestrated by third parties. In such instances, distinct or supplementary terms of sale may be applicable, thereby necessitating your assiduous review when presented.

Digital Content and Virtual Items.

THEFOXDAILY.COM may furnish applications, games, software, or other digital content for licensing through a one-time fee on THEFOXDAILY.COM Products or duly authorized third parties. Upon the procurement of a license for such content, the associated charges will be meticulously disclosed to you prior to consummating the license purchase.

Digital Movie Codes.

Digital codes, initially packaged within a combination disc + code package, may not be dissociated for individual sale and are redeemable solely by the individual procuring the code within the original combination disc + code package or a family member thereof. Any unauthorized dissociation or sale of digital codes separately is categorically prohibited. The utilization of digital movie codes is stringently governed by the terms articulated in this Agreement and the conditions set forth by the participating provider of digital content facilitating the access or download of the digital movie. Any unauthorized sale, distribution, purchase, or transfer of digital movie codes incongruent with this Agreement may lead to their invalidation.


Certain Thefoxdaily.com may mandate paid subscriptions and the acceptance of supplementary terms for access. Through the act of subscribing, you explicitly acknowledge that your subscription will be subject to automatic renewal, and unless expressly canceled, you authorize us to charge your designated payment method for the ensuing renewal term. The terms of the subscription may be subject to alteration with advanced notice, affording you the opportunity to effect cancellation. The auto-renewal period aligns with your initial subscription, and the renewal rate will not surpass that of the preceding subscription period, excluding promotional and discount pricing. The provision of free trial subscriptions may be extended, with billing commencing upon the trial’s expiration unless duly canceled before that juncture.

Upon cancellation, access to Thefoxdaily.com perseveres until the culmination of the subscribed term. No prorated refund is proffered upon cancellation, and any ancillary charges incurred prior to the act of cancellation remain obligatorily payable. Advanced notice will be duly provided concerning any modifications to fees or billing methods, facilitating the option to effect cancellation before the concretization of such amendments.

The Order Process.

A meticulous review and confirmation of your order details, encompassing the delivery address, designated payment method, and specific product attributes, is diligently encouraged. Upon the acceptance of your order, confirmed through the transmission of a notice, the sales contract is irrevocably deemed binding. The onus of risk for procured goods transfers upon their delivery. It remains within the purview of THEFOXDAILY.COM to reserve the right to reject or rescind any order, with potential considerations encompassing system or typographical errors, inaccuracies in product/pricing information, product availability, fairness considerations in scenarios of limited supply, or issues duly identified by our credit or fraud departments.

Payments and Billing.

The provision of payment information inherently signifies its accuracy, authorization for the use of the designated payment method, and a commitment to duly notify us of any changes pertaining to the provided payment information. We expressly reserve the right to avail ourselves of third-party payment card updating services to procure current expiration dates on credit/debit cards.

Right of Cancellation; Return of Goods.

The entitlement to cancel an order for a Thefoxdaily.com is contingent upon the inherent nature of the product in question. Specific instructions pertaining to the cancellation process, inclusive of a sample cancellation form, are diligently provided. The cancellation of subscriptions adheres to a predefined process. Concerning digital content, the act of consenting to delivery at the time of purchase effectively relinquishes the right to subsequent cancellation, with fees tendered for digital content licenses being unequivocally non-refundable. Physical goods may be canceled within a stipulated thirty (30) days from the date of receipt, subject to the conditions explicitly specified. In instances of personalized goods, the discretion to refuse rests with us, and any untoward use may precipitate order cancellation with an accompanying refund.

It is imperative to underscore that these cancellation rights are supplementary to rights germane to defective items. In the scenario of non-faulty returns, the onus of the cost of return may rest upon you, with potential deductions for utilized goods.

Pricing, Taxes.

The prospect of revising pricing for THEFOXDAILY.COM Products remains within our purview. The inclusion of an estimated tax in the order total at the point of placement is standard practice, with the actual tax applied contingent upon the shipment date. Exceptions apply solely in alignment with the requisites of applicable tax laws.

Disclaimers and Limitation on Liability


Accuracy of Information:

THEFOXDAILY.COM is committed to delivering accurate and current news content. Nevertheless, we do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information on our website. Users are strongly encouraged to independently verify critical information and refrain from relying solely on the presented content.

Opinions and Views:

Opinions expressed in articles, commentaries, or user-generated content on THEFOXDAILY.COM belong to the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of THEFOXDAILY.COM or its editorial team. While we strive to present diverse perspectives, we neither endorse nor assume responsibility for individual opinions.

Third-Party Sources:

News articles may incorporate information from third-party sources. THEFOXDAILY.COM bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of external sources. References to external content do not constitute an endorsement or validation by THEFOXDAILY.COM.

Timeliness of News:

News is subject to rapid developments. Although we aim for timely updates, real-time reporting cannot be guaranteed by THEFOXDAILY.COM. Users are advised to consider publication time and verify information with alternative sources for the latest updates.

Limitation on Liability:

No Liability for Damages:

THEFOXDAILY.COM, its affiliates, contributors, and employees shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use or inability to use our news content. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses.

User Responsibility:

Users are responsible for interpreting and using the news content provided by THEFOXDAILY.COM. We disclaim liability for decisions made based on our content, and users should exercise judgment and discretion when relying on the presented information.

No Endorsement:

The inclusion of advertisements, sponsored content, or links to external websites does not imply endorsement by THEFOXDAILY.COM. We do not endorse the products, services, or views promoted by third parties.

Force Majeure

THEFOXDAILY.COM shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performance due to acts beyond our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, government actions, or disruptions in internet services.

By accessing THEFOXDAILY.COM and utilizing our news content, users acknowledge and agree to these disclaimers and limitations on liability.

Submissions, User Generated Content, DMCA Takedown Notices

Submissions and Unsolicited Ideas Policies:

At THEFOXDAILY.COM, our enduring company policy dictates that we do not entertain or assess unsolicited creative ideas, suggestions, or materials. In relation to any submission you make to us—whether solicited or unsolicited—you explicitly agree that creative ideas, suggestions, or any other materials submitted are not presented in confidence or trust. No confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or established between you and us in any manner. You expressly acknowledge that you hold no expectation of review, compensation, or consideration of any kind.

User Generated Content Policy:


At THEFOXDAILY.COM, our interactive features extend an invitation for you to communicate, submit, upload, or otherwise share diverse content such as text, chats, images, audio, video, contest entries, collectively referred to as “User Generated Content” (UGC). This content may be accessible to and viewable by the public, whether it appears on THEFOXDAILY.COM’s proprietary platform or is seamlessly integrated with third-party websites, services, applications, or platforms. Please observe the subsequent guidelines meticulously when contributing UGC.

Content Standards:

Exercise due diligence in submitting UGC by refraining from providing material that is defamatory, harassing, threatening, bigoted, hateful, violent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive. Avoid content that may cause harm or reasonably be expected to harm any person or entity, irrespective of legal protection.

Ownership and License:

In most instances, we refrain from asserting ownership of your UGC. However, by submitting such content, you grant us a non-exclusive, sublicensable, irrevocable, and royalty-free worldwide license under various intellectual property rights. This comprehensive license empowers us to use, reproduce, transmit, publish, publicly display, distribute, modify, create derivative works, and exploit your UGC in connection with THEFOXDAILY.COM Products and on third-party platforms.

Representation and Indemnification:

Affirm that your UGC adheres to this Agreement and declare ownership or the possession of necessary rights and permissions, including copyrights, music rights, and likeness rights. By submitting content, you indemnify and hold us harmless from claims or expenses arising out of our use and exploitation of your UGC.

Moral Rights Waiver:

You explicitly agree to waive and not enforce any moral rights, ancillary rights, or similar rights in your UGC against us or our authorized users.

Derivative Works License:

If we grant you authorization to create derivative works using our copyrighted materials, you receive a non-exclusive license for this purpose. However, this license is contingent upon your assignment of all rights in the created work to us for the duration of copyright in the UGC.

Monitoring and Enforcement:

We retain the right to monitor, screen, post, remove, modify, store, and review UGC at any time and for any reason. This includes ensuring conformity with this Agreement. Violation of these terms in your UGC may result in the termination of your account and access to THEFOXDAILY.COM Products without prior notice.

Endorsement Disclaimer:

Opinions, views, advice, or recommendations posted or sent by users are neither endorsed nor guaranteed by us. We bear no responsibility for the content contributed by users.


By accessing THEFOXDAILY.COM and contributing User Generated Content, you explicitly acknowledge and agree to adhere to these policies and guidelines

Notifications of claimed copyright infringement and counter notices must be sent to our designated agent:

Email: thefoxdailynews@gmail.com

We are only able to accept notices in the languages in which this Agreement is made available by us.

We will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using thefoxdaily.com content or product that are reported to our designated copyright agent, in accordance with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”) or, as applicable, other laws. These notices must include the required information set forth in the DMCA and described in detail here.